Tania Nyman, a native of Louisiana, first became involved in community advocacy in 2012 when she joined with other parents to oppose the creation of a breakaway school district in East Baton Rouge Parish. Since then she has worked with a variety of advocacy organizations and has gained a greater understanding of issues affecting the broader community.
Prior to becoming involved in volunteer advocacy, Tania was an instructor in the Department of English at Louisiana State University. She earned her Master of Fine Arts from George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. While a graduate student, she was a member of DC WritersCorps, an AmeriCorps organization which sponsored writing workshops in “traditionally underserved communities” in the Washington DC area. While a WritersCorps member, Tania taught writing workshops in centers serving individuals who were homeless as well as DC public schools. For her elementary and secondary education, she attended New Orleans public schools. She earned her high school diploma from Benjamin Franklin High School and a BA in English Literature from the University of New Orleans.
She and her husband have two sons, both of whom attend East Baton Rouge Parish public schools.

Greater Baton Rouge AFL-CIO
One Community One School District, Executive Board Member, 2012-March 2018
A non-profit organization comprised of parents and other concerned community members dedicated to maintaining a unified school district for the purpose of fulfilling a community’s responsibility to provide a free and appropriate education for all children regardless of race and socioeconomic background.
Dialogue on Race Action Committee, Member, 2015-2018
The Dialogue on Race Louisiana (DORLA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to dismantling institutional racism through education, transformation, and action. The action committee considers and promotes approved civic projects that reflect the mission of DORLA.
Beyond Bricks EBR, Founding Member, 2014-2016
A volunteer-driven effort to engage education stakeholders on questions of public school policies and initiatives. Beyond Bricks hosted 14 facilitated community conversations across East Baton Rouge parish to gather feedback from community members on their vision for public schools. Results were disseminated in its 2015 report.
Residents Against the Breakaway/Better Together, Spokesperson, Dec. 2013-April 2014
An organization comprised of concerned community members opposed to the effort to create a new city in the unincorporated area of East Baton Rouge parish.
Southside Civic Association, Board Member, 2012-2016
A civic association representing approximately 1800 households on the south side of Perkins Road and dedicated to protecting the character and quality of life of the Southside area.
Instructor of English, Department of English, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 1999–2010
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Literature, American University, Washington, DC, 1998–1999
Creative Writing Instructor, Youth Slam League, Washington, DC, 1998–1999
Teaching Assistant, Department of English, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 1997–1998
Creative Writing Instructor, DC WritersCorps, Washington, DC, 1995–1997
MFA Creative Writing, Fiction, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, May 1998
BA in English, English Literature, University of New Orleans, New O